#English Speaking officiant for American in love in Brussels!

What do they say about their ceremony made by Celebrantissimo ?

"Luc and Emmanuelle are a lovely team who gave us the most beautiful and personal ceremony. Luc is the warm and charismatic master of ceremonies, and Emmanuelle is the thoughtful and talented writer of the script." C. & M.

La très belle cérémonie de C. & M.

La recette pour une belle cérémonie est simple : beaucoup d'amour, de rires, de joie, des confidences lors des préparatifs, des souvenirs partagés .... et un officiant digne de transmettre par ses mots et par sa prestation tout ce qui fait un couple, avec leurs familles sans oublier leurs amis !


What's the recipe of a beautiful ceremony, sometimes couples ask us? It's all about love of course, laughs, happiness and joy, memories and confidences shared during the preparations....but also a celebrant who will be able to put those precious conversations with the couple and their witnesses into touching words, and of course capable to conduct that unique moment in front of your families and friends!

pictures :@akosheleva_ph

Venue : Château de la Hulpe







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